Diabetes and Pregnancy

Diabetes page. Pregnant woman in bed in a blue shirt smiling and holding belly.

A growing number of patients need assistance to manage diabetes and pregnancy. This can be due to Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes. 

Dr Peter England has specialised in diabetes and pregnancy for over 20 years, and is considered one of the top experts in this area. Many patients with complex diabetic conditions will be referred to Dr Peter England for care and management. 

As the long-term (and current) head of the Diabetes Clinic at The Royal Women’s Hospital, Dr England continues to see significant numbers of complex, high-risk diabetic patients, while also seeing patients in his long standing private clinic based at St Vincent’s Private Hospital. 

If you have diabetes, you’ll need additional care and support during your pregnancy. 

“I have Type 1 Diabetes”

If you have Type 1 Diabetes, you will already be very familiar with what’s required to manage your condition. You will be aware that a pregnancy will require some additional care and support for you both you and your unborn baby. This is not a time to be fearful or full of concern.

You can certainly have a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth while living with T1DM.

Patient Story – Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy.

“I have Type 2 Diabetes”

Pregnancy and Type 2 Diabetes is something that you can manage in a number of ways. During your first appointment we will discuss how you are managing your diabetes. This can differ for everyone, for some women, you may have a recent diagnosis and still be learning what works best for you, others may have lived with Type 2 diabetes for a long time and better understand how best to control blood sugar levels. Either way, if you’re pregnant, our aim is to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth for you and your baby.

“I have Gestational Diabetes”

Gestational diabetes is tested for during your pregnancy. If you learn that you have gestational diabetes midway through your pregnancy, it can be unsettling for some women. Remember, with careful management you can still have a healthy and safe pregnancy and birth. There are a lifestyle changes and pregnancy management that can support you during this time.

Call to make an appointment with Dr Peter England

Additional pages on managing your pregnancy and diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes and your birth

Type 2 Diabetes and Pregnancy

Diabetes is a complex condition, you may have many questions about how to manage your pregnancy and diabetes.

Send us an email to make an appointment or call the rooms during business hours.