Looking after you after your birth
After the birth of your baby, I’ll visit you in hospital most days post delivery to see how you are feeling. This will continue until you leave the hospital.
All patients are encouraged to call the rooms or our call service post birth with any concerns. You can speak with me or midwife Glenda is also available to discuss any issues with you. If you have pain, bleeding, fever or other concerns we will make an appointment to see you in the rooms.
You will also have a post birth appointment approximately 6 weeks post delivery in the rooms. This allows you time to ask any questions and to also check you are recovering well from your pregnancy and birth.
During your post natal appointment, we will discuss contraception and a thorough gynaecological check will be performed. I will also check your baby if no paediatric follow up is required.
If you’re looking for more information about pregnancy and birth, there are many articles on our Women’s Health Information page.
To discuss your pregnancy, birth or fertility issues, send us an email and we will be in touch.