Pregnancy and Hayfever

Springtime in Melbourne can be a difficult time. Pregnancy and hayfever can be unpleasant for pregnant patients, and we regularly get calls asking what medication can be taken to provide relief to hay fever symptoms during your pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

In this video, I provide an explanation of what you can do to assist with hayfever during pregnancy and I discuss the medications that you can take.

Importantly, hay fever can also impact your asthma. Remember to discuss your asthma management plan with your doctor.


It’s springtime in Australia, and especially in Melbourne right now, you might be feeling many hayfever symptoms. Melbourne can be known for our high pollen content days and these days may cause you to feel quite impacted by hay fever. If you’re pregnant, here are 5 tips to help you cope. Pregnant patients can take medication to provide relief to hay fever symptoms. There are certain nasal sprays that may be worth taking for patients with ongoing hay fever. Importantly, hay fever can also impact your asthma. Remember to discuss your asthma management plan with your doctor. #Australiandoctor #gynaecologist #PregnancyTiktok #periods #womenshealthmatters #periods #GettingPregnant #birth #diabetespregnancy #Pregnancy #hayfeverprevention #hayfeverpregnancy #pregnancyasthma

♬ original sound – Dr Peter England OBGYN

Appointments are currently available for new obstetric patients within the practice. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss your pregnancy care, contact the team via this page, or give us a call to book a time that best suits you.

Author: Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
Read more about Dr Peter England