Pregnancy Tests Video Transcript The following is the Pregnancy Test video transcript. My name is Dr Peter England. Today I want to talk to you about pregnancy tests. So you think you might be pregnant. What are you going to…
Learn more about the Kyleena IUD.
Kyleena is the trade name for a newly approved version of the modern IUD, or intra uterine device. You may also have heard of a Mirena, they are both IUDs. Conventional IUDs dating back to the 1950s were based on a…
How do I know if I have postnatal depression?
Author: Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. No matter how much a woman is looking forward to having a baby, the arrival of her baby brings major changes to her life. While some women adapt to these changes comfortably, for…
Common Questions Asked in Pregnancy
Here’s a list of some of our really common questions in pregnancy and the answers that we are routinely asked. ALL questions are important, and you should not feel any question is too simple or too small. We would always…
Pap Smears and Cervical Screening
Author: Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist There has been a change in pap smears and cervical screening. The pap smear program has existed in Australia for many decades. Regular screening and early treatment have seen the number of cases…