Author: Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gyneacologist Libido is a curious thing to try and define. Put simply, libido can be described as an individual person’s sex drive, or desire for sexual activity. Men and women are different in countless…
Why Women Need Sleep.
Why is an obstetrician and gynaecologist writing about women’s sleep you may well ask? The answer is easy: because good sleep is not optional. Every woman needs a certain level of sleep. Sleep is one of the four essential activities…
What are my options for Emergency Contraception?
Unprotected sex, while not desirable in many situations, is a fact of life. And let’s face it, who hasn’t had a fright about an unplanned pregnancy? You might have missed a pill, the condom broke or maybe as a couple…
Itchy vagina? What is Vulval Itch?
An itchy vagina, (or having vulval itch) is highly irritating and a most unpleasant symptom.
A Weak Bladder
Bladder weakness is a common malady affecting women of all ages, but more commonly with ageing and being postmenopausal. Referring to a weak bladder means urinary leakage occurs – this is called urinary incontinence. What causes urinary incontinence? The major…