Preparing for your caesarean section

caesarean section melbourne

caesarean section melbourne


Preparing for your caesarean section birth is important. It helps you to understand what happens on the day and to include your own birth plans for you and your baby. Preparation also assists your support person to feel ready and to be able to assist you both prior to the day and during the birth of your baby.

You should prepare for the birth of your baby regardless of the final delivery method.

Your baby’s arrival into the world can be highly unpredictable, being prepared will help you to navigate a successful birth as best you can. There’s a lot of discussion and opinion about caesarean births, and sometimes that information borders on negativity and inaccuracy.

If an emergency caesarean is required, it can be much more stressful for patients who have not taken some time to understand what this process involves. Women who are prepared for what might happen feel more in control throughout their birth. 

This brochure provides information for preparing for your caesarean section if you are booked to have an elective caesarean.

Hit the download button to view the ebook on Preparing for your Caesarean Section.

This article is written and published by Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Dr Peter England is an expert in managing Pregnancy and Diabetes.

If you have type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes and are seeking support to manage your pregnancy and birth, head to the page on Diabetes or contact the rooms today for an appointment.